Accredited official statistics

Chapter 2: Structure of industry

Updated 22 July 2024


Key results for 2023 compared to 2022:

  • The Utilised Agricultural Area (UAA) decreased by 2.3% and was 17 million hectares, covering 70% of land in the UK.

  • The total croppable area saw little change and was 6.1 million hectares.

  • The cereal crops area decreased by 2.7% and was 3.1 million hectares.

  • The area of oilseed crops planted increased by 4.7% and was 418 thousand hectares.

  • The total number of cattle and calves decreased by 0.8% and was 9.6 million animals. The beef herd decreased by 3.8% and was 1.4 million animals. The dairy herd decreased by 0.3% and was 1.8 million animals.

  • The total number of pigs decreased by 10% and was 4.7 million animals. The total number of female pigs in the breeding herd decreased by 1.5% and was 338 thousand animals.

  • The total number of sheep and lambs decreased by 4.1% and was 32 million animals.

  • The total number of poultry decreased by 2.9% and was 178 million birds.

  • The total labour force on commercial holdings decreased by 1.7% and was 462 thousand people.


The tables and charts in this chapter show the size and structure of the agricultural industry in the United Kingdom at 1 June each year. They provide information on land use and livestock numbers, on the distribution of these between holdings and on the labour force.

Data in this chapter are sourced primarily from the June Surveys of Agriculture carried out in the four UK countries each year. There are some exceptions. In Scotland, most of the land use data are sourced from Single Application Form (SAF) subsidy data. In Northern Ireland, data for pig and poultry are extracted from the NI Annual Inventory of Pigs and Update of NI Bird Register respectively. Also, cattle data are sourced from the Cattle Tracing System (CTS) in England, Wales and Scotland and from the equivalent Animal and Public Health Administration System (APHIS) in Northern Ireland.

England data relate to commercial holdings only. Commercial holdings are defined as those with significant levels of farming activity, i.e. holdings with more than five hectares of agricultural land, one hectare of orchards, 0.5 hectares of vegetables or 0.1 hectares of protected crops, or more than 10 cows, 50 pigs, 20 sheep, 20 goats or 1,000 poultry.

For more information on the June Survey and for more detailed results, please see the pages for England, Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland.

Land use and crop areas

At June 2023 the Utilised Agricultural Area (UAA) was 17 million hectares, covering 70% of the total UK land area. UAA is made up of arable and horticultural crops, uncropped arable land, common rough grazing, temporary and permanent grassland and land used for outdoor pigs. It does not include woodland and other non-agricultural land.

The total croppable area remained broadly unchanged between 2022 and 2023, however some categories within this total had greater changes than others (see Table 2.1).

Cereal crops accounted for the majority (68%) of the cropped area. Wheat and barley are the predominant cereal crops. In 2023, the area of wheat decreased by 5.1% and was 1.7 million hectares. The area of barley increased by 1.9% and was 1.1 million hectares. Plantings continued to follow a more typical pattern following disruption due to weather in recent years. However in 2023, wheat plantings have possibly reduced in favour of farmers planting barley and oilseed.

The area of oilseed rape increased by 7.2% in 2023 and was 391 thousand hectares.

Potatoes decreased by 9.9% to 115 thousand hectares in 2023, continuing the downward trend seen in recent years. In 2023, the area recorded was the lowest in the last 40 years.

The remaining arable crops covered 750 thousand hectares. Peas for harvesting dry, field beans and maize together account for 69% of this area. The area of peas and field beans increased by 2.3% whilst the area of maize increased by 8.5%.

Figures 2.1a to 2.1c provide further detailed breakdowns of crop areas.

Table 2.1 Agricultural land use at June of each year (thousand hectares)

Enquiries: Will Drabble on +44 (0) 3000 600 170
Email: [email protected]

Category 2021 2022 2023
UAA (Utilised Agricultural Area) 17,227 17,426 17,022
UAA as a proportion of total UK area 71% 71% 70%
Total agricultural land 18,631 18,757 18,334
Common rough grazing 1,194 1,194 1,194
Total area on agricultural holdings 17,436 17,562 17,140
Total croppable area 6,056 6,084 6,086
Total crops 4,574 4,571 4,515
Arable crops 4,413 4,418 4,370
Cereals 3,211 3,173 3,088
Oilseeds 352 399 418
Potatoes 137 127 115
Other arable crops 713 718 750
Horticultural crops 161 153 145
Uncropped arable land 265 274 311
Temporary grass under 5 years old 1,217 1,240 1,260
Total permanent grassland 9,965 10,136 9,730
Grass over 5 years old 6,071 6,158 6,074
Sole right rough grazing 3,894 3,978 3,655
Other land on agricultural holdings 1,416 1,342 1,324
Woodland 1,076 996 948
Land used for outdoor pigs 12 12 12
All other non-agricultural land 328 334 364

Notes for table 2.1:

  1. UAA includes all arable and horticultural crops, uncropped arable land, common rough grazing, temporary and permanent grassland and land used for outdoor pigs (it excludes woodland and other non-agricultural land).

  2. Uncropped arable land includes all arable land not in production, including land managed in Good Agricultural and Environmental Condition (GAEC12), wild bird cover and game cover.

  3. Sole right rough grazing includes mountains, hills, heathland or moorland.

Source: UK Agriculture departments June Survey/Census of Agriculture

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Figures 2.1a to 2.1c - Crop areas at June of each year

Enquiries: Will Drabble on +44 (0) 3000 600 170
Email: [email protected]

Figure 2.1a Cereal crop areas (thousand hectares)

Year Wheat Barley Oats Rye, mixed corn and triticale Total
2021 1,790 1,150 200 71 3,211
2022 1,813 1,116 176 69 3,173
2023 1,720 1,137 167 65 3,088

Figure 2.1b Other arable crop areas (thousand hectares)

Year Oilseeds Potatoes Sugar beet (not for stockfeeding) Peas for harvesting dry and field beans Maize Remaining arable crops Total
2021 352 137 95 249 227 142 1,202
2022 399 127 91 269 222 137 1,245
2023 418 115 99 275 240 135 1,282

Figure 2.1c Horticultural crop areas (thousand hectares)

Year Vegetables grown outdoors Orchard fruit Soft fruit & wine grapes Hardy nursery stock, bulbs and flowers Glasshouse crops Total
2021 112 23 10 13 3 161
2022 107 22 10 11 3 153
2023 100 21 11 10 3 145

Notes for figures 2.1a to 2.1c:

  1. Vegetables grown outdoors excludes potatoes, peas for harvesting dry and mushrooms.

  2. Orchard fruit includes non-commercial orchards.

Source: June Surveys/Census of Agriculture/SAF land data

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Livestock numbers

In 2023, the total number of cattle and calves was 9.6 million, which decreased by 0.8% from 2022. The beef herd decreased by 3.8% and was 1.4 million animals and the dairy herd decreased by 0.3% and was 1.8 million animals.

The number of lambs under one year old was 15 million in 2023, which decreased by 6.1% from 2022. The female breeding flock decreased by 2.4% at 15 million animals. As a result, the total UK sheep and lamb population was 32 million which decreased by 4.1% compared to 2022.

The total number of pigs was 4.7 million which decreased by 10% from 2022. The number of pigs in the female breeding herd decreased by 1.5% and was 338 thousand in 2023. This is the lowest it has been in the past 21 years, with decreases seen across sows in pig and other sows, however gilts in pig saw a rise.

The total number of poultry in the UK decreased by 2.9% and was 178 million birds in 2023. Table chickens accounted for around two thirds of the total and decreased by 4.3% at 116 million birds in 2023. The breeding flock increased by 5.8% between 2022 and 2023 and sits at 13 million birds.

Figures 2.2a to 2.2d provide breakdowns of livestock populations.

Figures 2.2a to 2.2d - Livestock numbers at June of each year

Enquiries: Will Drabble on +44 (0) 3000 600 170
Email: [email protected]

Figure 2.2a Female cattle breeding herd (thousand head)

Year Cows in the beef herd Cows in the dairy herd Total breeding herd
2021 1,485 1,850 3,335
2022 1,463 1,842 3,305
2023 1,407 1,836 3,243

Figure 2.2b Sheep numbers (thousand head)

Year Female breeding flock Other sheep and lambs Total
2021 15,624 17,333 32,957
2022 15,826 17,348 33,174
2023 15,438 16,365 31,803

Figure 2.2c Female pig breeding herd (thousand head)

Year Sows in pig Gilts in pig Other sows for breeding Total breeding herd
2021 282 54 63 398
2022 247 42 54 343
2023 238 48 52 338

Figure 2.2d Poultry numbers (thousand birds)

Year Laying flock (including pullets) Breeding flock Table chickens (broilers) Turkeys, ducks, geese, all other poultry Total
2021 40,568 12,271 126,693 10,487 190,019
2022 40,442 12,021 121,730 9,295 183,488
2023 41,073 12,720 116,440 7,909 178,142

Notes for figures 2.2a to 2.2d:

  1. Dairy cows are defined as female dairy cows over 2 years old with offspring.

  2. Beef cows are defined as female beef cows over 2 years old with offspring.

Source: June Surveys/Census of Agriculture; Cattle Tracing System/APHIS

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Numbers and sizes of holdings and enterprises

Tables 2.2a through to 2.2d compare the number of holdings and area by farm size in 2018 and 2023. In 2023, the total number of holdings was 209 thousand which decreased by 4.0% compared to 2018. Within the five-year period the total area on holdings has decreased by 2.1%.

Between 2018 and 2023 the average area of all holdings increased by 2.0% and the average croppable area of holdings increased by 2.1%.

Figure 2.3a shows the proportion of holdings and total area by size bands. This shows that 19% of holdings have 100 hectares or more, but these holdings account for 75% of the total area. Most holdings in 2018 and 2023 had fewer than 20 hectares and accounted for just 4% of the total area. A similar picture can be drawn for the croppable area which is shown in figure 2.3c

Tables 2.2a to 2.2d and 2.3a to 2.3b show number of holdings and total areas for the UK and by country, respectively.

Numbers and sizes of holdings and enterprises at June of each year

Enquiries: Will Drabble on +44 (0) 3000 600 170
Email: [email protected]

Table 2.2a Numbers of holdings by total area size group (thousand)

Year Under 20 hectares 20 to under 50 hectares 50 to under 100 hectares 100 hectares and over Total
2018 104 42 32 41 218
2023 98 41 30 40 209

Table 2.2b Total area on holdings by size group (thousand hectares)

Year Under 20 hectares 20 to under 50 hectares 50 to under 100 hectares 100 hectares and over Total area
2018 691 1,373 2,271 13,174 17,509
2023 712 1,343 2,162 12,922 17,140

Figure 2.3a Proportion of holdings and total area by size group

Category Under 20 hectares 20 to under 50 hectares 50 to under 100 hectares 100 hectares and over Total
2018 - Proportion of holdings 48% 19% 14% 19% 100%
2023 - Proportion of holdings 47% 20% 14% 19% 100%
2018 - Proportion of total area 4% 8% 13% 75% 100%
2023 - Proportion of total area 4% 8% 13% 75% 100%

Figure 2.3b Average total and croppable areas on holdings (hectares)

Year Average total area Average total area on holdings with >=20 hectares Average croppable area
2018 80 147 63
2023 82 148 65

Table 2.2c Numbers of holdings with croppable areas by size group (thousand)

Year Croppable area 0.1 to under 20 hectares Croppable area 20 to under 50 hectares Croppable area 50 to under 100 hectares Croppable area 100 hectares and over Total
2018 46 19 14 17 96
2023 46 17 13 17 94

Table 2.2d Croppable area on holdings by size group (thousand hectares)

Year Croppable area 0.1 to under 20 hectares Croppable area 20 to under 50 hectares Croppable area 50 to under 100 hectares Croppable area 100 hectares and over Total croppable area
2018 296 609 979 4,201 6,084
2023 281 565 937 4,303 6,086

Figure 2.3c Proportion of holdings and croppable area by size group

Category 0.1 to under 20 hectares 20 to under 50 hectares 50 to under 100 hectares 100 hectares and over Total
2018 - Proportion of holdings with croppable area 48% 19% 15% 18% 100%
2023 - Proportion of holdings with croppable area 50% 18% 14% 18% 100%
2018 - Proportion of croppable area 5% 10% 16% 69% 100%
2023 - Proportion of croppable area 5% 9% 15% 71% 100%

Notes for tables 2.2a to 2.2d and figures 2.3a to 2.3c:

  1. Croppable area is defined as land under crops, temporary grass under five years old and uncropped arable land.

Source: June Surveys/Census of Agriculture/SAF land data Scotland.

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Tables 2.3a to 2.3b - Numbers of holdings and areas by size group and country at June of each year

Enquiries: Will Drabble on +44 (0) 3000 600 170
Email: [email protected]

Table 2.3a Numbers of holdings by total area size group and country (thousand)

Country Under 20 hectares 20 to under 50 hectares 50 to under 100 hectares 100 hectares and over Total
England 40 21 17 25 102
Wales 21 7 5 5 38
Scotland 26 5 4 8 43
Northern Ireland 11 8 4 2 26

Table 2.3b Total area on holdings by size group and country (thousand hectares)

Country Under 20 hectares 20 to under 50 hectares 50 to under 100 hectares 100 hectares and over Total area
England 327 689 1,220 6,763 8,999
Wales 123 219 361 1,065 1,768
Scotland 150 167 301 4,714 5,331
Northern Ireland 113 268 281 380 1,042

Figure 2.4 Average total area on holdings by country (hectares)

Country Average total area Average total area on holdings with >=20 hectares
England 88 139
Wales 47 99
Scotland 123 297
Northern Ireland 40 64
United Kingdom 82 148

Source: June Surveys/Census of Agriculture/SAF land data Scotland.

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Agriculture Workforce

The agricultural workforce in 2023 decreased by 1.7% and was 462 thousand people. Farmers, business partners, directors and spouses accounted for almost two thirds of the total labour force.

Figure 2.5 Agricultural labour force on commercial holdings at June of each year (thousand)

Enquiries: Will Drabble on +44 (0) 3000 600 170
Email: [email protected]

Year Farmers, business partners, directors and spouses (full time) Farmers, business partners, directors and spouses (part time) Regular employees, salaried managers and casual workers Total labour force
2021 147 153 167 467
2022 147 155 168 470
2023 148 151 163 462


  1. Part-time is defined as working less than 39 hours per week (England & Wales), 38 hours per week (Scotland) and 30 hours per week (N. Ireland).

  2. Regular employees include salaried managers as not all UK countries collect separate estimates.

  3. For labour force numbers in earlier years see Structure of the agricultural industry.

Source: June Surveys/Census of Agriculture

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Historical data on the proportion of holders by age group, up to and including 2016, are available in table 2.6 of the dataset for this chapter. Data has not been collected by all United Kingdom countries since 2016.