Accredited official statistics

Data visualisation tool

Published 11 May 2023

1. Introduction

The Coroners and Burials Statistics bulletin presents key statistics on activity in the coroner offices of England and Wales with accompanying commentary and data. The bulletin provides a summary overview of the volume of cases dealt with by these offices over time, with statistics also broken down for the main types of case involved.

The publication can be found here:

As part of our wider work on improving data visualisation and accessibility, we have developed a data visualisation tool which sits on top of the data underlying the publication and its associated csv files - the tool provides users with the capability to:

  • interrogate the published information easily at a lower level of detail, e.g. by coroner area and region; and

  • access and produce a range of charts specific to their user requirements.

2. The data visualisation tool

The tool can be found here:

3. How to send us your feedback

We welcome any comments you have about the data visualisation tool, including your views on how the tool can be improved, e.g. are there better ways of presenting the information or certain aspects of it?

Enquiries and feedback should be directed to Civil and Administrative Justice Statistics using the details below:

Email: [email protected]


Carly Gray, Head of Civil, Family and Administrative Statistics Access to Justice Statistics, Courts and People

Ministry of Justice 3rd Floor
10 South Colonnade
E14 4QQ