Firearm and shotgun certificates, April 2023 to March 2024
Statistics on firearm and shotgun certificates issued by police forces in England and Wales under the Firearms Acts 1968 to 1997.
Applies to England and Wales
The User guide to statistics on firearm and shotgun certificates contains further information on firearm and shotgun certificates.
Statistics on firearm and shotgun certificates, England and Wales, covers certificates on issue as at 31 March 2024, as well as historical trend data and police force comparisons. The release also provides information on certificates granted or refused for new and renewal applications, certificates revoked, and lost and stolen firearm and shotguns for the year ending 31 March 2024. It includes figures on the number of people who hold a firearm and or shotgun certificate, broken down by age and gender, the types of weapons included on certificates, registered firearm dealers, visitors’ permits and statistics on temporary firearm and shotgun certificates.
If you have any queries about this release, please email [email protected].