Accredited official statistics

United Kingdom egg statistics: Quarter 2 2022

Updated 27 April 2023

All eggs from free range and organic flocks were re-labelled as barn eggs from 21st March to 2 May 2022 due to avian influenza restrictions.

This release shows quarterly information on the numbers of eggs packed in UK packing stations. This covers the vast majority of total eggs produced. It shows usage and farm-gate egg prices and includes monthly information on the trade in eggs and egg products.

1. Key messages

  • 222 million dozens were packed in UK egg packing stations during the second quarter of 2022. This represents 6.5% decrease on the second quarter in 2021 and a 3.0% decrease on quarter one 2022.
  • The average UK farm-gate egg price through the second quarter of 2022 was 94.8 pence per dozen, this represents a 6.9% increase on quarter two of 2021 and a 6.1% increase on quarter one 2022.
  • The production of egg products during the second quarter of 2022 totalled 19.0 thousand tonnes, a 5.6% increase on the previous quarter and a 11% decrease on the second quarter 2021.

2. UK egg packing volumes, methods of production, UK country breakdowns and price statistics

The tables in this section show quarterly information on the volumes of eggs passed through the UK egg packing stations. These eggs generally account for nearly 90% of total egg production. Packing station figures include throughput of both graded and ungraded eggs.

  • The number of eggs which passed through the packing stations in Q2 2022 decreased 3.0% on the same quarter in 2021.
  • Egg prices increased to 94.8p per dozen, a 6.1% rise on Q1 2022 price; 6.9% higher than Q2 2021.

Figure 1: The number of eggs packed in UK packing stations compared to the UK farm-gate egg price: 2001-2020

The number of eggs packed in UK packing stations compared to the UK farm-gate egg price: 2017-2021

Table 1: UK Packing Station egg throughput by country (Million dozens)

Period E&W Scot NI UK % change on previous year
2020 Q1 168 29 36 234 -1.0%
Q2 163 33 35 231 -2.9%
Q3 160 33 39 232 -3.3%
Q4 163 35 42 240 2.3%
All 2020 655 130 153 937 -1.2%
2021 Q1 167 29 40 237 1.1%
Q2 166 30 42 238 3.1%
Q3 161 32 43 236 1.7%
Q4 156 31 45 232 -3.2%
All 2021 651 122 170 943 0.6%
2022 Q1 155 33 41 229 -3.2%
Q2 141 30 51 222 -6.6%

Table 2: UK Packing Station egg throughput by egg production type (Million dozens)

Period Enriched cage Barn Free Range Organic Total
2020 Q1 100 6 121 8 234
Q2 96 7 120 8 231
Q3 90 5 128 9 232
Q4 93 5 133 8 240
All 2020 379 23 503 33 937
2021 Q1 90 3 135 9 237
Q2 86 4 138 9 238
Q3 81 4 141 9 236
Q4 77 5 141 9 232
All 2021 334 17 556 36 943
2022 Q1 72 18 130 9 229
Q2 65 20 129 9 222

All eggs from free range and organic flocks have been re-labelled as barn eggs since 21st March due to avian influenza restrictions.

Eggs produced from hens in enriched colony systems accounted for 29% of the total throughput in Q2 2022. Free range eggs accounted for 58% of Q2 2022 throughput.

Figure 2: UK egg throughput by production method

UK egg throughput by production method

All eggs from free range and organic flocks were re-labelled as barn eggs from 21st March to 2 May 2022 due to avian influenza restrictions.

Table 3: Average UK farm-gate egg price (Pence per dozen)

Period Enriched cage Barn Free Range Organic All Eggs % change on previous year
2020 Q1 56 c 87 c 76 9.3%
Q2 57 c 90 c 79 11%
Q3 59 c 92 c 81 15%
Q4 59 c 92 c 82 12%
All 2020 58 c 90 c 79 12%
2021 Q1 63 c 98 c 87 15%
Q2 64 c 99 c 89 13%
Q3 64 c 98 c 89 9.1%
Q4 63 c 96 c 88 8.0%
All 2021 64 c 98 c 88 11%
2022 Q1 64 c 98 c 89 2.5%
Q2 72 c 102 c 95 7.0%

‘c’ confidential

3. UK egg processing statistics

The number of eggs bought by UK egg processors in Q2 2022 totalled 28.9 million dozens (equating to 21.2 thousand tonnes), a decrease of 9.5% on the same period in 2021. Liquid egg accounted for 70% of the total production in Q2 2022. Total production was down 11% in Q2 2022 compared to the same quarter last year.

Table 4: Number of eggs bought by UK Egg Processors

Period Million dozens Thousand tonnes % change year on year
2020 Q1 32 23 5.4%
Q2 24 17 -25%
Q3 27 20 -14%
Q4 26 19 -21%
All 2020 109 80 -14%
2021 Q1 25 18 -21%
Q2 32 23 35%
Q3 32 23 15%
Q4 30 22 16%
All 2021 119 87 8.9%
2022 Q1 28 21 12%
Q2 29 21 -9.5%

Table 5: Production of egg products by UK Egg Processors (Thousand tonnes)

Period Liquid Egg Hard Boiled & Other Products (a) Total % change year on year
2020 Q1 15 7 22 4.4%
Q2 11 6 17 -24%
Q3 12 6 18 -25%
Q4 13 6 18 -21%
All 2020 51 24 76 -17%
2021 Q1 12 6 18 -18%
Q2 16 6 21 25%
Q3 14 6 20 12%
Q4 13 6 19 1.6%
All 2021 55 23 78 3.7%
2022 Q1 13 5 18 -0.5%
Q2 13 6 19 -11%

(a) Separate data for Hard Boiled Eggs and Other Products is currently unavailable to avoid disclosure of confidential information.

Figure 3: Intake and Production of Egg Products by UK Egg Processors

Intake and Production of Egg Products by UK Egg Processors

The volume of eggs processed also includes any processing carried out for external customers who supply their own eggs. This can cause the overall volume of eggs processed to be higher than the volume of eggs purchased, as in the statistics for Q3 2019.

4. UK Egg Trade

Trade figures are supplied by HM Revenue and Customs. Trade data marked as provisional may be subject to revision.

  • The latest data for May 2022 shows imports of shell eggs at 1.8 million dozens, a 6.2% increase on the same period last year. Imports of egg products are down 17% at 8.7 million dozens compared to May 2021.
  • Shell egg export figures for May 2022 are 1.7 million dozens, down 17% compared to the same period in 2021, whilst egg product exports were 0.8 million dozens, down 36% compared to May 2021.

Table 6 UK Trade in Shell Eggs (Million dozens) – Imports

2020 2021 2022 % change 2021/2022 12 Month Moving Totals
January 5.9 2.3 1.9 -19% 69.2
February 2.1 1.6 3.2 102% 70.8
March 3.2 2.2 3.1 39% 71.7
April 4.2 1.6 2.0 27% 72.1
May 5.6 1.7 1.8 6.2% 72.2
June 3.0 4.2      
July 2.3 2.0      
August 1.3 2.4      
September 2.3 8.9      
October 2.6 3.0      
November 1.9 2.5      
December 2.0 2.5      
Total 36.4 34.8      

All trade data are provisional

Table 7 UK Trade in Shell Eggs (Million dozens) – Exports

2020 2021 2022 % change 2021/2022 12 Month Moving Totals
January 2.2 0.7 1.3 82% 44.0
February 1.0 1.2 1.5 21% 44.2
March 1.2 1.2 1.6 35% 44.6
April 2.2 1.6 1.5 -4.0% 44.6
May 1.9 2.1 1.7 -17% 44.2
June 1.4 3.1      
July 1.5 2.2      
August 1.5 2.2      
September 1.4 2.0      
October 1.5 1.9      
November 1.1 1.8      
December 1.2 1.8      
Total 18.2 21.7      

Table 8 UK Trade in Egg Products (a) (Million dozens) – Imports

2020 2021 2022 % change 2021/2022 12 Month Moving Totals
January 9.3 5.2 7.6 45% 171.1
February 13.8 5.2 7.5 43% 173.4
March 8.0 7.9 8.3 5.6% 173.8
April 6.1 6.1 7.3 19% 174.9
May 6.7 6.5 8.7 34% 177.2
June 8.6 7.9      
July 8.1 7.1      
August 7.4 7.3      
September 9.1 8.5      
October 10.8 7.9      
November 12.9 8.3      
December 11.8 6.5      
Total 112.5 84.4      

(a) Figures are based on SITCs: 025.21, 025.22 and 025.30, converted to shell egg equivalent.

All trade data are provisional

Table 9 UK Trade in Egg Products (a) (Million dozens) – Exports

2020 2021 2022 % change 2021/2022 12 Month Moving Totals
January 1.2 0.7 1.1 59% 27.3
February 0.7 1.0 0.3 -68% 26.6
March 0.7 1.2 0.1 -95% 25.4
April 0.7 0.8 0.1 -91% 24.8
May 0.8 1.2 0.8 -36% 24.3
June 0.9 1.2      
July 0.5 1.3      
August 0.6 1.1      
September 0.6 1.2      
October 0.5 1.7      
November 0.5 0.6      
December 0.6 1.4      
Total 8.3 13.4      

(a) Figures are based on SITCs: 025.21, 025.22 and 025.30, converted to shell egg equivalent.

All trade data are provisional

5. About these statistics

5.1 Methodology

Egg Packing Statistics: The number of commercial laying hens is estimated based on the Defra Hatchery Survey layer chick placings. Total egg throughput is modelled using the number of commercial laying hens, average egg yields, average mortality rates and the proportion of UK eggs that go through packing stations. To estimate further breakdowns from this total output, Defra runs a quarterly survey of registered UK egg packing stations. It collects data on egg production methods (i.e. free range, enriched cages etc.), country of packing and prices. This “Egg Packers survey” is a voluntary survey of 27 packing stations across the UK, which accounts for around 75% of eggs packed in the UK. The response rate is typically 100 per cent.

The prices obtained on the survey are weighted according to the volume of eggs packed by each packing station to obtained average prices for the UK. From 2012, prices include any bonus payments paid to producers.

Egg processing statistics: Defra runs a quarterly survey of all registered egg processors. It is a voluntary survey of 11 respondents that collects information on the number of eggs bought by egg processors and the quantity of egg products produced. The response rate is typically 100 per cent.

In tables that show numbers of eggs the units used are now ‘million dozens’. These were previously published in ‘thousand cases’ where there are 360 eggs or 30 dozens in one case.

Trade statistics: These figures come from HM Revenue and Customs, but are validated and adjusted if necessary prior to publication. The Standard Industrial Trade Classification codes used to produce each table are given in the footnotes below the tables.

The data are subject to a variety of validation checks which identify inconsistencies in the data. All data are cleaned prior to publication. The percentage changes shown are calculated using unrounded figures. Thus any percentage changes calculated using the published (rounded) figures may not equate exactly with the changes shown.

The UK 12 month moving totals represent the sum of the 12 months up to and including the date indicated. They can be seen as a trend measure that is not affected by seasonality.

Contact details are available on the front page of this notice, for you to send feedback or ask questions about the information provided.

5.2 Revisions Policy

Figures in this notice are provisional and subject to revision. We will provide information about any revisions we make to previously published information in this statistics notice, and the associated datasets. Revisions could occur for various reasons, including:

  • if we have not received survey data from respondents we make an estimate based on their previous returns. These estimates will be replaced with actual survey data when it is received.
  • survey respondents occasionally supply amended figures for previous periods.

5.3 Data users

Representatives of the egg and poultry industry are also major users of the data. The data on egg production volumes and egg type are key sector indicators for the British Egg Industry Council (BEIC) as they reflect the size of the national laying flock. The British Free Range Egg Producers Association also makes heavy use of our data as it indicates the size of the free range sector. We work closely with these users and consult widely when considering any changes to our surveys or associated datasets.

The Agricultural and Horticultural Development Board (AHDB – cereals and oilseeds), rely on egg production data as a good indicator of the commercial layer flock and associated feed demand and hence grain usage by the sector.

Our statistics are also often heavily referenced in industry publications such as “Poultry World” and “The Ranger”, the official magazine of the British Free Range Egg Producers Association.

5.4 Future publications

This quarterly release will be next updated at 09:30 on 27th October 2022. Full time series are available for download at:

6. National Statistics status

National Statistics are produced to high professional standards. They undergo regular quality assurance reviews to ensure that they meet customer needs. They are produced free from any political interference.

The continued designation of these statistics as National Statistics was confirmed in 2014 following a compliance check by the UK Statistics Authority (now the Office for Statistics Regulation) against the Code of Practice for Statistics.

Since the latest review by the Office for Statistics Regulation, we have continued to comply with the Code of Practice for Statistics and have enhanced data quality by reviewing methodologies and data sources.

For general enquiries about National Statistics, contact the National Statistics Public Enquiry Service: Tel: 0845 601 3034 Email: [email protected].

You can find National Statistics on the internet at

Contact details

Livestock statistics team

Email: [email protected]

Public enquiries: +44 (0) 2080 266306