Accredited official statistics

MOD biannual civilian personnel report: 1 October 2020

Updated 3 December 2020

This statistical release presents figures on the strengths, inflow and outflow of all civilian personnel employed by the Ministry of Defence.

For further information, you can view the full collection of previously published MOD Biannual Civilian Personnel Report statistics.

The United Kingdom Statistics Authority has designated these statistics as National Statistics (November 2013), in accordance with the Statistics and Registration Service Act 2007 and signifying compliance with the Code of Practice for Official Statistics.

Once statistics have been designated as National Statistics it is a statutory requirement that the Code of Practice shall continue to be observed.

Definitions of terms used in this publication can be viewed under the definitions heading.

1. Main Points

MOD civilian personnel strength (FTE)

At October 2020, MOD civilian personnel strength (FTE) was 58,850. This is an increase of 30 (0.1%) compared with 1 October 2019.

MOD civilian personnel inflow

For the 12 months to 30 September 2020, MOD civilian personnel inflow was 5,540. This is a decrease of 1,180 (17.6%) compared with the previous 12 months.

MOD civilian personnel outflow

For the 12 months to 30 September 2020, MOD civilian personnel outflow was 4,900. This is an increase of 50 (1.0%) compared with the previous 12 months.

2. Civilian Personnel

FTE and Headcount (HC) Strengths

The MOD civilian personnel strength (FTE) at 1 October 2020 was 58,850, an increase of 30 personnel (0.1%) compared with 1 October 2019 (Excel ODS Table 1).

The MOD civilian personnel strength (HC) at 1 October 2020 was 60,840, no change compared with 1 October 2019 (Excel ODS Table 3).

Figure 1: Breakdown of Civilian Personnel (FTE) by main groups, as at 1 October 2020

Top Level Budgetary areas have by far the largest FTE share: 60.3%. Royal Fleet Auxiliary’s share is smallest 3.1%, with remaining FTE split between DE&S Trading Entity 17.8%, Trading Fund & Executive Agencies 12.6% & Locally engaged civilians 6.2%.

The table below shows the primary drivers by FTE for the rate of increase in personnel between 1 October 2019 and 1 October 2020.

Reduction in strength at April 2020 relates to partial privatisation of Defence Fire Service and Defence Security Vetting Services, covering approx. 1,200 personnel.

Table 1: MOD Civilian Personnel by Main Groups (FTE)

FTE as at 1 October 2020 FTE as at 1 October 2019 Difference % Change
Top Level Budgetary areas 35,490 35,370 120 0.3%
DE&S Trading Entity 10,490 10,380 110 1.0%
Trading Fund & Executive Agencies 7,410 7,040 370 5.2%
Locally engaged civilians 3,630 4,180 - 550 - 13.1%
Royal Fleet Auxiliary 1,840 1,850 - 20 - 0.9%
Total 58,850 58,820 30 0.1%

Figure 2: Civilian Level 0 personnel strength (Full Time Equivalent)

Gradual FTE strength rise from October 2019-20 totalling at 58850. Slight drops in the middle of October 2015 and 2019, which was overshadowed by the rapid increase between April 2018 & October 2019.

3. Civilian Personnel by Grade

The proportion of civilian personnel in a Top Level Budgetary Area (TLB) who were classed as non-industrial personnel has slowly increased since 1 April 2016. The proportion has ranged from 84.9 per cent at 1 April 2016 to 90.3 per cent as at 1 October 2020.

Figure 3: Proportion of civilian personnel by grade*, as at 1 October 2020

The breakdown of FTE by pay band in October 2020 has SCS with the smallest proportion of 0.8%. Band E has the highest share of 33.7% followed closely by Band C at 30.7%. The remaining proportions were between Band B 6.7%, Band D 18.3% and Industrial 9.8%.

* Excludes unknown grades.

4. Inflow and Outflow

The annual inflow of civilian personnel in the 12 months to 30 September 2020 was 5,540, a 17.6 per cent decrease (1,180 personnel) compared with the previous 12 months (Table 2).

Table 2: Inflow of Civilian personnel (headcount)

12 months to 30 September 2020 12 months to 30 September 2019 Difference (number) Difference (% change)
Top Level Budgetary areas (TLB) 3,580 3,780 - 200 - 5.3%
DE&S Trading Entity (DE&S) 1,250 1,760 - 500 - 28.5%
Trading Fund & Executive Agencies 710 1,190 - 480 - 40.4%
Total 5,540 6,720 -1,180 -17.6%

The annual outflow of civilian personnel in the 12 months to 30 September 2020 was 4,900, a 1.0 per cent increase (50 personnel) compared with the previous 12 months (Table 3).

Outflow to 30 September 2020 includes partial privatisation of Defence Fire Service and Defence Security Vetting Services, covering approx. 1,200 personnel.

Table 3: Outflow of Civilian Personnel (headcount)

12 months to 30 September 2020 12 months to 30 September 2019 Difference (number) Difference (% change)
Top Level Budgetary areas (TLB) 3,720 3,290 440 13.2%
DE&S Trading Entity (DE&S) 690 970 - 280 - 29.2%
Trading Fund & Executive Agencies 490 600 - 100 - 17.5%
Total 4,900 4,860 50 1.0%

Figure 4: MOD Main TLB outflow by reason, 12 months ending 30 September 2020

The Resignation and Retirement rate in October 2020 was broadly similar at 23.7% and 25.1% respectively. Privatisation stood highest at 31.7%, with almost identical rates for Transfer out of MOD 6.8%, Health 6.0% and Other reasons 6.7%.

Figure 5: Inflow and outflow of MOD Main civilian personnel (Headcount)

There has been a gradual rise in the net flow of MOD Main civilian personnel since September 2015 until March to October 2020 where it returns to negative Net Flow. For the 12 months to 31 March 2020, Outflow = -3720, Intake = 3580 with Net flow at -140.

5. Definitions

DE&S Trading Entity Defence Equipment and Support (DE&S) has been reported as a bespoke trading entity from 1 July 2015. Prior to this it was reported as a TLB.

Full Time Equivalence (FTE) A figure that allows part-time workers’ hours to be put into the same units as full-time workers. This publication often uses the term jobs to mean full-time equivalent employment.

Industrial personnel Civilian personnel employed primarily in a trade, craft or other manual labour occupation. This covers a wide range of work such as industrial technicians, air freight handlers, storekeepers, vergers and drivers.

Inflow The number of personnel joining the Department within a monthly, quarterly or financial year period, identified by specific Method of Entry codes within the Human Resources Management System (HRMS).

Locally engaged civilians (LEC) LEC employees are recruited overseas exclusively for employment in support of the UK Armed Forces deployed in a particular overseas theatre and on terms and conditions of service applicable only to that overseas theatre or Administration. LECs are also employed on terms and conditions analogous with local employment law and market forces, and not those of the UK.

Ministry of Defence (MOD) This United Kingdom Government department is responsible for implementation of government defence policy and is the headquarters of the British Armed Forces. The principal objective of the MOD is to protect the United Kingdom and its values and interests abroad. The MOD manages day to day running of the Armed Forces, contingency planning and defence procurement.

MOD Main Sum of all Top Level Budgetary Areas (TLB).

Outflow The number of personnel leaving the Department within a monthly, quarterly or financial year period, identified by specific Reason for Leaving codes within the Human Resources Management System (HRMS).

Royal Fleet Auxiliary (RFA) A civilian-manned fleet, owned by the MOD, which supports Royal Navy ships around the world, supplying warships with fuel, ammunition and supplies. The RFA fleet is fully integrated into the Royal Navy’s command and control system and forms a vital part of maritime operations.

Strength The total number of personnel employed by the Department at a specific time period.

Top Level Budgetary Area (TLB) The major organisational groupings of the MOD directly responsible for the planning, management and delivery of departmental capability.

Trading Funds Self-accounting units that have greater freedom than other government departments in managing their own financial and management activities. From 1 July 2017 this total includes ‘Executive Agency’ data.

6. Grade structures

Since 1 April 1996 all departments and agencies have had delegated responsibility for the pay and grading of their employees, except for those in the Senior Civil Service (SCS). The MOD grades are shown here against levels broadly equivalent (in terms of pay and job weight) to the former service-wide grades.

MOD grades Former service-wide grades
SCS – Senior Civil Service SCS – Senior Civil Service
B1 & equivalents Grade 6
B2 & equivalents Grade 7
C1 & equivalents SEO – Senior Executive Officer
C2 & equivalents HEO – Higher Executive Officer
D & equivalents EO – Executive Officer
E1 & equivalents AO – Administrative Officer
E2 & equivalents AA – Administrative Assistant

7. Rounding

7.1 Tables and Charts within this document

Where rounding has been used, totals and sub-totals have been rounded separately and so may not equal the sums of their rounded parts. This also applies to Civilian personnel data expressed in terms of Full-Time Equivalents (FTE).

When rounding to the nearest 10, numbers ending in “5” have been rounded to the nearest multiple of 20 to prevent systematic bias.

7.2 Excel tables accompanying this publication

An updated MOD Disclosure Control and Rounding policy has been published on GOV.UK and we have applied this policy to the statistics on Civilian personnel in the accompanying Excel tables. The policy is available at the MOD statistics: policies page.

Disclosure control will still be applied to statistical or numeric information to safeguard the confidentiality of individuals. ‘Disclosure control’ refers to the efforts made to reduce the risk of disclosure, such as applying statistical methods to protect ‘personally identifiable information’ (PII) in aggregate data tables. These safeguards can take many forms (e.g. data suppression, rounding, recoding etc.).

8. Revisions

Occasionally errors can occur in statistical processes; procedures are constantly reviewed to minimise this risk. Should a significant error be found the publication on the website will be updated and an errata slip published documenting the revision.

Responsible statistician: Civilian Personnel Head of Branch

Telephone: 020 7218 4535

Further information/mailing list: [email protected]

Background quality report: Background quality report

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