National pupil projections: July 2014
National projections for the number of pupils in schools by type of school and age group.
Applies to England
Findings presented here update those published in December 2013 (SFR53/2013 using the latest mid-2012 based population projections from the Office for National Statistics (ONS) and latest 2014 School Census data. This is an Official Statistics publication. The statistics are presented as the latest available findings and have been released to help planning, to study trends and to inform a variety of programs and initiatives.
The statistical release, ‘School capacity: academic year 2012 to 2013’ was published on 14 April 2014 and included local authorities’ own forecasts of future pupil numbers, based on local-level information, such as inter-authority migration of pupils. The national pupil projections presented in the current release are produced within the DfE, at a national level only. They are based on the latest national population projections from ONS and cover a longer time period (up to 2023) than the school capacity release. Differences in the methodologies used by individual local authorities for pupil number forecasts mean that the aggregated totals in ‘School Capacity: academic year 2012 to 2013’ will differ from the national-level projections presented here.
Queries should be directed to: William Teager 020 7783 8448 [email protected]