Summary of the Social Housing Decarbonisation Fund statistics: November 2023
Published 30 November 2023
Applies to England
The Social Housing Decarbonisation Fund (SHDF) is a government scheme designed to upgrade a significant amount of the social housing stock currently below Energy Performance Certificate (EPC) C up to that standard.
The government launched Wave 1 of the SHDF in August 2021. It has awarded around £179 million of grant funding for delivery from 2022 into 2023 and will see energy performance improvements to up to 20,000 social housing properties.
What you need to know about these statistics
The data contained in the analysis is based on returns submitted by mid-November 2023, covering measure installations to the end of September 2023. The data is based on returns from 66 local authorities, with completed installations reported by 53 local authorities.
All figures in this publication are provisional and subject to revision.
Key statistics
Delivery by month
To the end of September 2023, the Social Housing Decarbonisation Fund (SHDF) Scheme Wave 1 delivered 18,100 measures in 10,000 households. The total number of measures delivered to date has increased by 12% from last publication, reflecting delivery in an additional month and revised data from local authorities.
Measure delivery in the last 3-month period declined by 27%, down from 4,300 measures delivered in April to June 2023, to 3,200 in the 3 months to September 2023.
Figure 1: Number of measures installed by installation month
Delivery by measure type
The majority of measures installed over the period were Insulation measures (10,400 measures, 58%), with windows and doors measures accounting for 21% (3,900 measures) and electricity related measures accounting for 15% (2,700 measures) of measures installed.
Figure 2: Number of measures installed by measure type
Delivery by region
Of the 18,100 measures installed, the majority were installed in the North West region (3,400 measures, 19%), with 3,200 measures installed in North East (18%) and 2,300 measures in West Midlands (13%).
Figure 3: Proportion of measures installed by English region
To the end of September 2023, 10,000 households have been upgraded under the scheme, meaning they have had at least one measure installed. Of these, 1,800 households were upgraded in the North East (18%), 1,500 in North West (15%), and around 1,300 in both Yorkshire and the Humber and London (13%).
Figure 4: Proportion of households upgraded by English region
Annex: Further information
Next publication date
The next publication will be at 09:30am on Thursday 21 December 2023.
Scheme information
Find more information on the SHDF scheme.
Accompanying tables
Tables showing number of measures installed and households upgraded under SHDF are available.
Revisions policy
The Department’s statistical revisions policy sets out the revisions policy for these statistics, which has been developed in accordance with the UK Statistics Authority Code of Practice for Statistics.
User engagement
Please provide us with comments and feedback on how these statistics are used and how well they meet your needs. Send your comments to: [email protected].
The Department’s statement on statistical public engagement and data standards sets out the department’s commitments on public engagement and data standards as outlined by the Code of Practice for Statistics.
Pre-release access to statistics
Some ministers and officials receive access to these Official Statistics up to 24 hours before release. Details of the arrangements for doing this and a list of the ministers and officials that receive pre-release access to these statistics can be found in the Department’s statement of compliance with the Pre-Release Access to Official Statistics Order 2008.
Responsible statistician: Isi Avbulimen
Email: [email protected]
Media enquiries: 020 7215 1000
Public enquiries: 07927 579551