14. Housekeeping
This section contains content published after 1 January 2020. Articles published before this date can be found on the National Archives here
Future issues of Dear IP will now be made available on an updated platform on GOV.UK https://www.gov.uk/guidance/dear-insolvency-practitioner, as well as in the usual email PDF format from 19 April 2021. Issues from 2020 (issue 92 onwards) have been back-captured.
The new Dear IP page will use an expandable menu format (the same as the new technical guidance for Official Receivers that was recently published), where chapters are initially collapsed. This affords users to navigate the guidance quickly and then expand the desired chapter with a single click to view or print the complete chapter. The online version will also be searchable.
Any articles published before 2020 will initially remain at their current location at Dear IP Index (bis.gov.uk) before moving to the National Archives website: The National Archives.
This move provides increased functionality, accessibility (to meet legislative requirements), and moving away from the previous legacy systems will enable us to maintain the documents more effectively, with the online version updating at the same time as the emailed version is distributed.
If you have any questions about Dear IP, please contact [email protected]