Severn river basin district river basin management plan: updated 2022
Find all the documents, data and maps that make up the Severn river basin district river basin management plan.
Applies to England and Wales
The Severn river basin district (RBD) river basin management plan describes the challenges that threaten the water environment and how these challenges can be managed.
The Severn RBD includes catchments in England and Wales. The Environment Agency and Natural Resources Wales jointly manage this RBD.
The Severn river basin management plan (RBMP) summary and cross border catchments (England and Wales) document provides an overview of river basin planning in England and Wales for the Severn River Basin District. This, together with the country specific documents and data forms the Severn RBMP.
Information on the Welsh part of the Severn RBMP is available on Natural Resources Wales’ river basin management plans website.
The following documents, data and maps make up the Severn river basin management plan in England:
Updates to this page
Published 21 October 2022Last updated 22 December 2022 + show all updates
Updated tense to reflect that the 2022 river basin management plans are the current plans approved by the Secretary of State for the Environment, Food and Rural Affairs in December 2022.
First published.