DMBM123045 - Maintain charges (financial) by IT system: Maintain charge (financial) in OPREC: Reallocation from OPREC to suspense
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Where it is necessary to reallocate a payment from OPREC to Suspense the form C19 procedure is to be followed.
- Complete the C19 to show the customer name, year and child benefit reference number.
- Strike through the “AL No./Tax & NIC box” and the “NIC Minus & Plus Box”.
- Enter the net amount to be transferred in the “tax” side of the form.
- Pass the completed C19 and the customer file to the nominated officer to authorise.
The authorising officer will:
- check the original payment vouchers to ensure that the amounts posted to OPREC are correct
- authorise the C19 set by stamping each part with the special reallocation authorised stamp
- initial each part
- release C19-1 and C19-2 to the appropriate section.
The minus voucher (C19-1) is posted on OPREC and the plus (C19-2) in Suspense.
Make a prominent note of the action taken and the C19 consecutive number in the OPREC notepad.