DMBM123045 - Maintain charges (financial) by IT system: Maintain charge (financial) in OPREC: Reallocation from OPREC to suspense

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Where it is necessary to reallocate a payment from OPREC to Suspense the form C19 procedure is to be followed.

  1. Complete the C19 to show the customer name, year and child benefit reference number.
  2. Strike through the “AL No./Tax & NIC box” and the “NIC Minus & Plus Box”.
  3. Enter the net amount to be transferred in the “tax” side of the form.
  4. Pass the completed C19 and the customer file to the nominated officer to authorise.

The authorising officer will:

  • check the original payment vouchers to ensure that the amounts posted to OPREC are correct
  • authorise the C19 set by stamping each part with the special reallocation authorised stamp
  • initial each part
  • release C19-1 and C19-2 to the appropriate section.

The minus voucher (C19-1) is posted on OPREC and the plus (C19-2) in Suspense.

Make a prominent note of the action taken and the C19 consecutive number in the OPREC notepad.