DMBM201575 - Payment processing: Direct Debit (DD): Sharefisherman scheme

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Sharefishermen may choose to join a voluntary tax deduction scheme.

Two schemes have been set up:

  • the Scottish Sharefishermen Fund (SSF) for sharefishermen in Scotland
  • the Sharefishermen’s Voluntary Tax Saving Scheme (SVTSS) for sharefishermen in England, Wales and Northern Ireland.

Under the scheme, a percentage is deducted from any income that the sharefisherman receives from sharefishing, and deposited with the Bank of Scotland for SSF and Barclays Bank for SVTSS.

A signal on the SA record will tell you whether a sharefisherman is a member of one of the schemes.

Twice a year, shortly before SA payments on account are due, payments are collected by direct debit and allocated to the individual’s SA account.

Details of the sharefishermen in the team are maintained by:

  • Peterhead Processing Office for SSF
  • Paignton Processing Office for SVTSS.