DMBM210000 - Payment Allocation, Overpayments and Repayments: Contents
Some content of this manual is being considered for archiving. If there is content you use regularly, please email [email protected] to let us know as soon as possible.
DMBM210100Payment Allocation - General Information: contents
DMBM210140Standard Repayment Interest and Incorrect Credits: contents
DMBM210150Self Assessment: contents
DMBM210250IRIS: contents
DMBM210500Transfer from Overpayments Accounting Summary (OAS) to Duty by IT system: contents
DMBM210750Process payments in DMB Banking: contents
DMBM215000Duty Repaid In Error Refunded (DRIER): contents
DMBM216000Obtaining a credit to reconcile an accounting record: contents