DMBM210200 - Payment Allocation, Overpayments and Repayments: Self Assessment: Transfer from OAS to SA

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Transfer from OAS function

The function TRANSFER FROM OAS is used to move a credit from OAS to a customer's SA record. Only DMB Banking have access to this function and they can only use the function to make a transfer to an associated SA record.

Note: The credit must be moved to the associated DMB Banking office before transfer can take place.

One use of the function can transfer a separate amount from up to 6 different OAS records. All the amounts transferred are passed to the same taxpayer's SA record.

Note: SA allows a maximum of 99 amounts to be transferred to SA from one OAS record.

The local office issues disposal instructions, normally on form SA331, to DMB Banking where it knows of a payment moved to OAS or held in OAS that belongs to an SA taxpayer.

When to transfer from OAS

DMB Banking will use the function TRANSFER FROM OAS for any

  • non-matched payments for which an SA record is identified
  • payment banked in the local office and transferred to OAS using IVT INP201
  • unidentified payment held in OAS for which SA reference is found
  • payment intended for SA that is transferred to OAS from DMB Banking systems
  • SA payment received in advance of an SA record being set up
  • incorrect posting on an SA record where a credit bank lodgment adjustment is to be made.

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Transferring a payment

For each amount to be transferred the DMB Banking operator needs to know details of the

  • OAS reference
  • payment amount, and
  • effective date of payment

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Update of SA and OAS records

Payment credits are posted to the customer's SA record immediately the function is successfully completed. Each payment is allocated in accordance with the automatic payment allocation rules. Where more than one payment is being allocated the payment with the earliest effective date of payment is allocated first.

The corresponding payment debits do not appear in OAS until the batch process to update OAS records has run. It will normally be the following day that corresponding debit postings can be viewed on OAS records.

Note: There is no facility to transfer a payment direct between two SA customers. Any such transfer requires two movements, one into and the other out of OAS.