DMBM210280 - Payment Allocation, Repayment and Overpayments: IRIS: Reallocation of payment in a Debt Pursuit Office
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Reallocation of a Payment Posted Against a Computer Charge
If you consider that a payment posted against a computer charge should be reallocated, the action you should take will depend on the status of the charge(s) involved as follows.<h3>Charges working on Local Action (LA) or which are now Cleared but were working LA immediately prior to this</h3><ul><li class="filledcircle">use IVT INP208 or 209 as described in the IRIS User Guide</li></ul>IMPORTANTAt least one of the charges involved in the intended reallocation must be currently LA to allow IVT access. When you intend to make a reallocation using one of these functions and<ul><li class="dash">any of the charges involved are not LA </li></ul><blockquote class="noquotes"><p><ul><li class="filledcircle">set PLA code S using INP608 </li></ul></blockquote><ul><li class="dash">an AS Repayment signal is set </li></ul><blockquote class="noquotes"><p><ul><li class="filledcircle">contact the Processing Office to agree what to do next. </li></ul></blockquote><h3>Charges not LA </h3><ul><li class="filledcircle">send a memo to DMB Banking giving details of the reallocation you require. </li></ul>DMB Banking will<ul><li class="filledcircle">deal with the reallocation</li></ul><blockquote class="noquotes"><p><ul><li class="dash">by direct transfer from one charge/instalment to another </li></ul></blockquote><blockquote class="noquotes"><p>or</p></blockquote><blockquote class="noquotes"><p><ul><li class="dash">by using transfers to and from the Overpayments Account.</li></ul></blockquote><h2>Reallocation of a Payment Allocated to the Overpayments Account (OAS) </h2>Where you learn by using IRIS that an amount has been allocated to the Overpayments Account (OAS)<ul><li class="filledcircle">send a memo to DMB Banking stating </li></ul><blockquote class="noquotes"><p><ul><li class="dash">the OAS number </li><li class="dash">how the payment should be allocated.</li></ul></blockquote>After making any necessary enquiries, DMB Banking will<ul><li class="filledcircle">make the appropriate transfer(s) from OAS. </li></ul><h2>Balance Remaining Outstanding after Reallocation</h2>If a balance remains outstanding after reallocation has taken place,<ul><li class="filledcircle">continue normal collection action for any amounts outstanding for which you are responsible. </li></ul>