DMBM220130 - Scottish Sharefisherman (SSF): Request transfers

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January transfer

July transfer

Prepare and dispatch bank list

Each January and July DMB Banking arrange the transfer of money from SSF accounts with the Bank of Scotland. The transfer must be completed in sufficient time for the bank to debit the Sharefishermen’s bank accounts before that month’s bank statements are issued.

To arrange a transfer to Banking use

  • the list of live SSF records from Peterhead
  • the bank’s list notifying the amounts held in SSF accounts
  • information on the customers SA record (normally only for July transfer)

The lists are issued to DMB Banking on or before 10 January and 10 July.In January the bank is asked to transfer the full amount in each SSF account. The amount of the July transfer is determined by comparing the amount in the SSF account with the payments of account due by the customer.After the amounts to be transferred for each SSF have been decided, the bank list is prepared and despatched to Worthing Data Centre. Worthing use the list as an input document to create two files.The first file is used to notify the bank electronically how much is going to be transferred from each Sharefisherman’s account to the HMRC account. Worthing sends this list electronically to BACS who initiate the transfer or collection of payments by Direct Debit.The second file is written to tape and passed to DMB Banking where it is used to update the SSF customer records in SA. It is accompanied by an extraction list which details what is on the tape.To arrange the transfer of money from SSF accounts follow the steps. <ol type="1" start="1"><li>Obtain copies of the

</li></ol><blockquote class="noquotes"><p><ul><li class="filledcircle">list of live SSF records from Peterhead</li><li class="filledcircle">bank’s list notifying the amounts held in SSF accounts </li></ul></blockquote><ol type="1" start="2"><li>Use the lists to establish the amounts to be transferred from each SSF account

</li></ol><h2>January transfer </h2><ol type="1" start="3"><li>Check that the amounts on the bank list are clearly printed.

</li></ol><blockquote class="noquotes"><p>Note: in January the full amount in each SSF account is to be transferred
</p></blockquote><ol type="1" start="4"><li>Liaise with the bank about any indistinct amount and show the correct amount clearly on the bank list

</li></ol><h2>July transfer </h2><ol type="1" start="5"><li>Use function VIEW STATEMENT to see how much of the payments on account, interest and so on is unpaid for the year of the transfer

</li><li>Determine the amount of the July transfer by comparing the amount due to the amount in the SSF bank account

</li><li>Liaise with the bank if any amount on the bank list is unclear

</li><li>Enter the amount to be transferred in the column provided on the bank list

</li></ol><h2>Prepare and dispatch bank list </h2><ol type="1" start="9"><li>Total and batch the bank list in the manner agreed with Worthing

</li><li>Retain a copy of the prepared bank list and the batch add-lists

</li><li>Dispatch the original bank list to Worthing</li></ol>