DMBM230140 - Account Reconciliation: Agree SA amounts on FCR

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The agreement of the SA amounts on the Forecast Clearance Report (FCR) is carried out daily by DMB Banking Shipley.

To agree the SA amounts on the FCR follow the steps below.

  1. Obtain a copy of the daily SAMAS report.
  2. Obtain a copy of the FCR output by the batch update function that processes payments for the day you are checking.
  3. Add together the SA totals for all the clearance dates shown on the FCR.
  4. Compare your total with the Gross Banked Receipts in the Daily Cash column of the SAMAS report.

If the amount on the report and your total:

  • agree:
    • initial and date the FCR and the report
    • file and retain the SAMAS report
    • send the FCR to the Statistics and Economics Office
  • do not agree:
    • advise your manager and Live Systems Support
    • report the discrepancy to your SA manager for a Trouble Ticket to be raised
    • await notification of how the discrepancy has been resolved then take the steps above for when they do agree.