DMBM510300 - Customer contact and data security: telephone contact: contents
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DMBM510310Why do we use the telephone for customer contact?
DMBM510320Telephone technique: contents
DMBM510900Customer is driving
DMBM510910Customer becomes unconscious or unresponsive
DMBM510920Situations where the customer may be unable to speak on the telephone with you
DMBM510930Calls outside office hours
DMBM510940Calls to and from other offices
DMBM510950Calls from third parties
DMBM510960Calls from voluntary organisations or CAB
DMBM510970Bogus callers
DMBM510980Noting the record after a telephone call
DMBM511000Recording of telephone calls for quality monitoring purposes: contents
DMBM511100Terminating the call
DMBM511130Field Force / Distraint using the phone whilst out on call
DMBM511190Customer wants to check we are calling from HMRC
DMBM511200Answering machines
DMBM511210Customer phones to change personal details
DMBM511220The Bigword - interpretation service for non English speaking customers