DMBM520290 - Debt and return pursuit: PAYE: payment schedule requests: action taken by Customer Operations Employer Office
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On receipt of a request access BROCS via EBS and check the actions page for the relevant year, or years, for a recent BROCS note made by the DMB Banking Employer Units or a DMB DTO to see if a request is already being dealt with. One or more notes will show a date of entry and read either:
- “Payment schedule response letter issued -Banking Employer Unit or DTO XXX.”
- “Three month payt detail given- Banking Employer Unit or DTO XXX.”
- “Payt Sch. reply rec’d-Banking Employer Unit or DTO XXX.”
The “XXX” is for illustrative purposes only and the relevant Banking Employer Unit or DTO office numeral will be shown instead to aid identification of the office already handling a request.
If a recent BROCS note is on record, add a note on the employer/agent correspondence stating “Relates to request already being handled- see BROCS note dated (and add the date of the original BROCS note)” on the correspondence and send the request to the DMB office that made the BROCS note.
If there is no recent BROCS note, or the note relates to an earlier unrelated request, then send the correspondence to the relevant Banking Employer Unit.
Where you identify the request comes from a large business and the details requested are particularly complex refer the request to the appropriate Customer Compliance Manager (CCM)/Customer Coordinator (CC) in LBS or L&C.