DMBM520296 - Debt and return pursuit: PAYE: payment schedule requests: action taken by Banking Employer Units

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On receipt of a request access BROCS and check the actions page for the relevant year, or years, for a recent BROCS note made by the DMB Banking Employer Units or a DMB DTO. One or more notes will show a date of entry and read either:

  • “Payment schedule response letter issued -Banking Employer Unit or DTO XXX.”
  • “Three month payt detail given- Banking Employer Unit or DTO XXX.”
  • “Payt Sch. reply rec’d-Banking Employer Unit or DTO XXX.”

The “XXX” is for illustrative purposes only and the relevant Banking Employer Unit or DTO office numeral will be shown instead to aid identification of the office already handling a request.

If the recent BROCS note on record was made by a DTO make a note, “Relates to request being handled- see BROCS note dated (and add the date of the original BROCS note)” on the correspondence and send the request to the DTO office.

If there is no recent BROCS note, or the note relates to an earlier unrelated request, and the record shows the case working LA with a DTO then send the correspondence to the relevant campaign post office or SPOC.

Make a BROCS note on the actions page that correspondence has been received and forwarded.

If the recent BROCS note on record was made by the Banking Employer Unit, trace and link the papers. Handle the case from the original papers.

If the case is a new request check BROCS for which office is dealing with the case, if on LA send to the relevant campaign post office or SPOC.

Where you identify a new request comes from a large business and is particularly complex you should contact the appropriate Customer Compliance Manager (CCM)/Customer Coordinator (CC) in LBS or L&C and liaise over who should handle the request.

If a new request is for the current year and only covers the last three months or three payments then either:

  • phone the requestor and give the information
  • write with the information if you are unable to make contact by phone.

Put a note on BROCS actions along with the date “Three month payt detail given- Banking Employer Unit.” Add your office numeral to assist in identification.

If not on LA and the request is for details covering the current year (but for more than the past three months or last three payments) and/or previous years:

  • issue the SEES response letter; either:
  • DMGEN30 for employer cases
  • DMGEN40 for agent cases
  • BKPY156 as appropriate
  • set a BF for 21 calendar days.

Where you have replied to an agent you should also issue the letter to employer in agent reply cases (DMGEN50).

Put the following note on BROCS actions, along with the date “Payment schedule response letter issued -Banking Employer Unit.” Add your office numeral to assist in identification of replies.

If no reply is received dead file the correspondence.

If a reply is received:

  • deal with it accordingly
  • update BROCS notes with the date and “Payt Sch. reply rec’d/dw-Banking Employer Unit”
  • add your office numeral to assist in identification.