DMBM557120 - Debt and return pursuit: Child Benefit overpayments: disputes: explanations
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Explanation requests
Where a request for an explanation is received by DM do not suspend recovery action at this stage. If the request was made:
- by phone:
- give the customer the Child Benefit helpline number 0300 200 3100 to call direct
- do not update the OPREC notepad unless you have accessed Child Benefit systems
- in writing:
- refer the correspondence to the relevant Child Benefit decision-making area
- update the OPREC notepad.
The decision maker will update DM of the outcome via the DM notification form.
Outcome of explanation requests
If the customer is satisfied with the explanation:
- update the OPREC notepad
- leave the BF set for the remainder of the dispute period.
- the BF expires or an offer to pay is received, continue action as in DMBM557270
- an offer is made during the explanation process the decision maker will ask the recovery team to contact the customer to discuss the offer.