DMBM557780 - Debt and return pursuit: Child Benefit overpayments: suspension of recovery: action at review date

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Initial action

At the review date, consider the next action to take, for example, a phone call to the customer to establish if suspension should continue or if recovery can start or restart.

Contact made

If recovery can start or restart and the customer has continuing entitlement to Child Benefit, take action as in DMBM557510.

If the customer does not have continuing entitlement, continue normal recovery action (DMBM557870).

Contact not made

If there is no reply from or contact with the customer within 14 days you should consider the next action depending on the evidence available, that is:

  • (This content has been withheld because of exemptions in the Freedom of Information Act 2000)
  • further suspension (DMBM557760)
  • normal recovery (DMBM557870).

Customer released from prison

If the customer has been released from prison:

  • suspend recovery for a further six months
  • issue CBOP200.

After six months, consider recovery action, unless, on release, the customer was subject to a court order for compensation, fines or costs in respect of criminal proceedings by the Department.

In these cases, consider recovery action when the court order is cleared or six months after release from prison, whichever is later.