DMBM615160 - Pre-enforcement: recovery documentation and checks: recovery proceedings checks: RP checks for Class 2 NIC / Class 2 NIC Late Notification Penalties
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For Class 2 NIC debts and Class 2 NIC Late Notification Penalties debt management offices (DMOs) must make check NIRS2; and, in limited circumstances, to Banking Operations Newcastle.
NIRS2 check
Check NIRS2 for any changes to the customer’s name, address, liability or amount outstanding since the debt was referred from DMU.
You may see a difference in the amounts shown on IDMS and NIRS2. This is due to Higher Rate Provision (HRP). NIRS2 applies HRP once a year but the DMU applies it at the time of input onto IDMS.
Where a customer’s address has recently changed and you believe that the CoD issued by DMU may not have been received, contact SES and request that a CoD is issued to the customer’s new address. Advise SES of your office numeral to enable them to forward a copy of the certificate via internal post. Enforcement action can commence 30 days after the certificate has been served.
If either the Inhibited or Unallocated cash signal is set contact the relevant Self Employment Services (SES) area by telephone to confirm that you can continue with enforcement.
Banking Operations Newcastle RP Check
DMOs do not have to send a RP Check via the Public Folders to Banking Operations Newcastle in every case. Changes to processing in BOps mean that payments are recorded on NIRS2 within 3 working days of receipt. You should carry out a NIRS2 check as in the paragraph above and if it reveals changes to the record, inhibition or unallocated cash, contact SES in the normal way.
Where a RP check is required (for example a complaint case), you only need provide
- contributor surname
- National Insurance number (NINO).
Banking Operations Newcastle will reply to the RP check within three working days of receipt
Bear in mind that payments may have been made in respect of a different period from that referred for enforcement.
Difficulties in accessing public folders
If you cannot access the public folders e-mail (This content has been withheld because of exemptions in the Freedom of Information Act 2000) giving details of your difficulty together with your name and pay identity number.