DMBM618000 - Pre-enforcement: coding out: contents
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DMBM618030DMB debts
DMBM618040Means-tested benefits
DMBM618050Debt accepted for coding
DMBM618060NPS coding run
DMBM618070Viewing coded out debts on NPS(PAYE) following the coding run
DMBM618080P2 Annual Coding notice
DMBM618090Collecting debts from taxpayer's wages
DMBM618100Adjustments to amount outstanding following coding run
DMBM618110In-year and end-of-year reconciliation
DMBM618120Viewing NPS(PAYE)
DMBM618300Self Assessment (SA) and Tax Credit (TC) overpayments
DMBM618600Class 2 NIC debts