DMBM670410 - Summary Warrant: General attachments: Contents
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DMBM670420What is an attachment?
DMBM670430Duration of attachment
DMBM670440Invalidity and cessation of attachment/second attachment for same debt
DMBM670450Times when attachment is not competent
DMBM670460Articles exempt from attachment
DMBM670470Attaching a mobile home that is the principal residence of a third party
DMBM670480How the sheriff officer attaches articles
DMBM670490Report of attachment
DMBM670500Dealing with (a) deliberate unlawful acts after attachment and (b) attached articles that have been stolen
DMBM670510Redemption of the articles that have been attached
DMBM670520Claim by defender that the sale or auction of an attached vehicle would be unduly harsh
DMBM670530Perishable goods
DMBM670540Proceeding to sale
DMBM670550Removal and notification of auction sale
DMBM670560Third party claims prior to auction
DMBM670570Dealing with payment arrangements after the date set for auction
DMBM670580Auction sale
DMBM670590Report of auction
DMBM670600Recovery of expenses