DMBM676410 - Summary Proceedings (Sc): Arrestments/Earnings Arrestments/Attachments/Exceptional Attachments: Contents
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DMBM676420What is arrestment
DMBM676430Arrestments – what debts can and cannot be arrested
DMBM676440Timing of arrestment
DMBM676450Time limits for executing an arrestment
DMBM676460Instructing the sheriff officer to execute the decree for arrestment
DMBM676470Actions by the sheriff officer on receipt of a request to execute a Decree for arrestment
DMBM676480After the arrestment has been lodged
DMBM676490After an earnings arrestment has been lodged
DMBM676500Earnings arrestment already in place
DMBM676510HM Forces
DMBM676520Approaching the relevant HM Forces authority for compulsory deductions
DMBM676530Recovering costs for cases where arrestments have been laid
DMBM676540Allocation of payment received from any sum recovered from the funds attached to an arrestment
DMBM676550Preliminary action required in all cases where attachment/exceptional attachment being pursued under a summary cause (SP) decree
DMBM676560Instructing the sheriff officer to pursue an attachment
DMBM676570Instructing the sheriff officer to pursue an exceptional attachment