DMBM745170 - Revenue losses: C495 procedures: processing C495: contents
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DMBM745180Processing C495 - charge remitter
DMBM745190Updating the computer record - charge remitter
DMBM745200Updating the computer record - charge remitter - SAFE charges
DMBM745210Updating the computer record - charge remitter - IRIS charges
DMBM745220Updating the computer record - charge remitter - BROCS charges
DMBM745230Updating the computer record - charge remitter - COTAX
DMBM745240Updating the computer record - charge remitter - SA charges
DMBM745250Updating the computer record - charge remitter - NTC charges
DMBM745255updating the computer record - charge remitter - VAT charges
DMBM745260C495 rejected at processing stage