DMBM802000 - Time To Pay: Time To Pay requests: contents
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DMBM802010Initial considerations
DMBM802015Sports clubs
DMBM802020Repeat requests
DMBM802030Joint Debts
DMBM802040Repayments due from HMRC
DMBM802050Written requests for Time To Pay
DMBM802060Requests from Voluntary Sector Organisations
DMBM802100Deciding which information to collect
DMBM802110Negotiating Frameworks
DMBM802120Income & expenditure
DMBM802130Corporate Debt Questionnaire
DMBM802200Tax credit cases
DMBM802205Debts collected through the tax code
DMBM802210Debts less than £250,000
DMBM802220Debts of £250,000 and over but below £750,000
DMBM802230Debts of £750,000 and over
DMBM802240Independent Business Reviews
DMBM802250Self Assessment cases
DMBM802260VAT cases
DMBM802300Additional evidence
DMBM802400Compliance Accountants
DMBM802500Offsetting losses