Heavy weather damage to passenger hovercraft The Princess Anne
Location: Off Dover, England.
Accident Investigation Report 26/2000
Read our marine accident investigation report, which includes what happened, actions taken, and recommendations:
(1,866.99 kb)
At 0850 The Princess Anne left Calais for Dover, the wind on departure was southwest 25 knots. On receiving information that local wind speeds had increased to 42 knots, the captain decided that this would be the last trip until the weather improved. He informed Dover Base One of his decision and, after confirming that conditions were still within operational limits, continued to Dover. About 30 minutes later, when in mid-channel, the hovercraft dropped into a wave trough, resulting in a minor impact on the port forward side of the craft. The starboard bow sustained damage in the vicinity of the first three windows and above. Apart from one person suffering from shock and wet clothing, there were no injuries. There was no reported damage to the vehicles.
Safety issues
The vessel suffered damage as a result of a wave impact while moving at a relatively slow speed in an area of confused seas at the time. The hovercraft was operating within the designated operating limits.
Recommendations were made to Sea Containers Ltd and The Maritime and Coastguard Agency
This report was published on 25 August 2000.