Bioenergy for Sustainable Energy Access in Africa:Project Completion and Handover Report

Report is the final output from Phase I of Bioenergy for Sustainable Energy Access in Africa (BSEAA)


This report, the final output of BSEAA Phase I, summarises the various stages of the study, the reports that were produced and the implications for any future research in this area. Other reports produced during Phase I include:

  1. Inception Report
  2. Literature Review and Stakeholder mapping Report
  3. Technology Value Chain Prioritization Report
  4. Technology Country Case Study Report


LTS International Limited, the University of Edinburgh and E4tech. Bioenergy for Sustainable Energy Access in Africa:Project Completion and Handover Report. 21st September 2017

Bioenergy for Sustainable Energy Access in Africa:Project Completion and Handover Report

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Published 21 September 2017