Dataset for the Helmand Monitoring and Evaluation Programme (HMEP)
This programme generated quarterly data from a sample of Helmandis between October 2010 to September 2014
The Helmand Monitoring and Evaluation Programme generated quarterly data from a sample of Helmandis over a four year period from October 2010 to September 2014. The survey asked questions about respondents' demographics as well as their attitudes towards public service delivery and perceptions of government legitimacy. Although the survey was designed to be as representative as possible, it has greater value as a comparison of attitudes from a cross-section of the Helmandi population over time.
The data released to the public has been modified to ensure respondent confidentiality. This is particularly important as certain questions ask sensitive information such as participation in illegal activities or support for the Taliban. As such, some demographic variables have been put into bands, other variables have been top-coded, and still others have been removed from the dataset entirely. A small number of cases representing a minority group of language speakers have been removed as well.
The HMEP survey and datasets were developed by Coffey International Ltd, a professional services firm with expertise in international development. They were prepared for the Department for International Development and the Provincial Reconstruction Team in Helmand. Enquiries about the dataset can be directed to [email protected].
The dataset is appended to this record as zipped files in csv format together with codebooks for the variables and the values used and also an xml document containing the metadata on variable and value labels.
Coffey International Development. Dataset for Helmand Monitoring and Evaluation Programme (HMEP). Coffey International Development, London, UK (2015)