Nutrient Management Plan: Hampshire Avon
Information on the Nutrient Management Plan developed by the Environment Agency, Natural England and Wiltshire Council for the Hampshire Avon.
The River Avon Nutrient Management Plan for phosphorus has been produced to help reduce and manage phosphorus levels in the Hampshire Avon Special Area of Conservation (SAC), in accordance with international obligations, principally in the EU Habitats, Wild Birds and Water Framework Directives. It will also aid development and change in the Hampshire Avon catchment by ensuring the amount of phosphorus in the river does not increase and conflict with the conservation objectives for the SAC.
The Nutrient Management Plan has 2 primary objectives:
- to achieve compliance with the requirements of the Habitats Directive, in particular: * to establish conservation measures to avoid deterioration within the River Avon SAC * to achieve the ambition reduction targets and in the longer term to support the achievement of Favourable Conservation Status * to facilitate development without affecting the integrity of the River Avon SAC
- To achieve compliance with the Water Framework Directive through delivery of the ‘protected area’ standards
This NMP is concerned primarily with managing levels of phosphorus (a chemical within the river which is a nutrient causing a form of pollution and posing the most significant threat to the site’s qualifying features). The effects of nitrogen and other pollutants are addressed in the Diffuse Water Pollution Plan (due for publication in 2015) for the Avon catchment.
The NMP is made up of the plan and 4 supporting Annex. The main NMP and Annex 1 are aimed primarily at those involved with implementing the plan and key decision makers affected by it; it sets out why the NMP is required and how it will inform and influence decision making.
Annex 2 and 3 are currently being drafted and are Supplementary Planning Document and Evidence and Monitoring Plan respectively.
Annex 4 provides the key technical evidence and supporting information supporting key recommendations put forward in the plan.
For further information email [email protected] or call 03708 506 506 (Monday to Friday, 8am to 6pm); or email [email protected].