Level 2 and 3 attainment by young people aged 19 in 2020
Information on the attainment of young people aged 19 in 2020, based on matched administrative data.
Applies to England
This statistical release provides national figures on overall level 2 and 3 attainment by:
- age
- cohort
- qualification type
- institution type
For those who were in state schools at age 15, statistics are presented on overall level 2, level 2 in English and Maths and overall level 3 attainment by:
- gender
- ethnicity
- special educational needs
- disadvantaged status
- eligibility for free school meals
- IDACI (Income Deprivation Affecting Children Index)
- local authority
- local authority district
Underlying data with more detailed breakdowns, by pupil characteristics and local authority, are also provided.
Post-16 statistics team
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