DMBM121000 - Maintain charges (financial) by IT system: Maintain charge (financial) in SAFE: Contents
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DMBM121005Charge amendments in SAFE
DMBM121010Write-offs and waivers in SAFE
DMBM121015Amended write-offs and waivers in SAFE
DMBM121020Standovers in SAFE
DMBM121025Reallocations within the same SAFE customer record
DMBM121030Reallocations across different SAFE customer records
DMBM121035Reallocation in SAFE for MARD customer records
DMBM121040Transfer payment from SAFE to OAS
DMBM121045Suspense accounting in SAFE
DMBM121050Returned payments (dishonoureds) in SAFE
DMBM121055Permanent Overpayment in SAFE