DMBM121005 - Maintain charges (financial) by IT system: Maintain charge (financial) in SAFE: Charge amendments in SAFE

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Original charge raised in SAFE

Charges cutover from Network Unit clerical records

ECS charge cutover to SAFE

ECS charge not cutover to SAFE

Non ECS charge cutover to SAFE

Non ECS charge not cutover to SAFE


Original charge raised in SAFE

A user with the Maintain Charge function will be able to amend any charge that their office type is responsible for. By entering the customer reference, all charges, whether cleared or outstanding, will be displayed.

After selecting the charge to be amended, enter the revised amount due. Any excess payments identified will either be automatically reallocated to other outstanding charges for the same customer or moved to Unallocated Payments and appear on the Unallocated Payments worklist for review. See DMBM121045.

Automatic reallocations/repayments can be inhibited by setting the No Reallocation or No Repayment signal. The No Reallocation signal is set using the Account Signals function. The No Repayment signal is set by charge raisers using the Maintain Customer Account.

Charges cutover from Network Unit clerical records

Miscellaneous charges that were handled by the Network Units in Cumbernauld and Shipley were cutover to SAFE in phases during 2006. Only those records that were uncleared at the time of cutover were transferred to SAFE. For each of these charges, only the outstanding balance was transferred with no payment history. These records are identified by a specific document type. See DMBM115080. The Clerical Interest signal was set on all interest bearing charges that were cutover.

ECS charge cutover to SAFE

ECS will send amendments to SAFE via electronic interface with the expectation that all amendments will be applied. However, for those ECS charges that were cutover and partially cleared, SAFE will reject any amendment and write them to a worklist. The worklist will show the value of the revised charge and it will be necessary to view both the SAFE and paper archived records to determine the amount of the amendment.

A small number of nominated operators in the SAFE Team will be given a user role that will allow them to raise and amend ECS charges online. The worklist will be reviewed daily and for each rejected amendment the impact on both the cutover record and cleared paper record determined. For amendments that result in either an increase or a decrease that can be applied solely to the SAFE cutover charge, the SAFE Team will complete form SAFE REP and make the amendment. It may be necessary to reallocate part or all of the payments to Unallocated Payments prior to inputting the amendment. Form SAFE REP provides the audit trail for determining the amount of the amendment and the authority for any reallocation/repayment that may be necessary.

Where the SAFE charge needs to be reduced to zero, and payments recorded on the clerical record prior to cutover need to be reallocated or repaid, the SAFE Team will complete a form SAFE REP to provide the authority to initiate the reallocation/repayment. The archived record is noted with the date and amount of the amendment. Where the form SAFE REP holds details of excess payments from both the SAFE and paper archived records, a single repayment will be issued to the customer. Payments moved from SAFE to Unallocated Payments will be transferred to OAS (Shipley) to link up with the excess payment extracted from the archived record, for the Repayments Team to deal with.

ECS charge not cutover to SAFE

ECS will send amendments to SAFE via electronic interface with the expectation that all amendments will be applied. However, amendments received for ECS charges that were cleared prior to cutover will be rejected and written to a worklist. The worklist will show the value of the revised charge and it will be necessary to view the paper archived records to determine the amount of the amendment.

The SAFE Team will complete form SAFE REP and determine from the archived record whether the amendment is a net reduction resulting in a potential reallocation/repayment, or is an increase that will need to be recorded on SAFE.

A small number of nominated operators in the SAFE Team will be given a user role that will allow them to raise ECS charges online. The form SAFE REP provides the detail and authority to raise the charge.

Where the amendment is a decrease the user will determine the amount of the excess payment had it been possible to apply the amendment. Details of the excess payments will be entered on to the form SAFE REP and the archived record noted with the date and amount of the amendment. Form SAFE REP containing the details of the amounts to be reallocated/repaid will be passed to the Repayments Team to deal with.

Non ECS charge cutover to SAFE

These are charges raised manually that were notified to the Network Units on paper rather than originating from another system, such as ECS penalties.

Partially cleared charges can be identified from the document type. See DMBM115080. In every case where a partially cleared non ECS charge is cutover to SAFE, the Charge Maintainer will be prevented from amending the charge. In these circumstances, the procedure for completing a paper amendment form should continue in accordance with existing guidance.

On receipt of a paper amendment, the SAFE Team will complete a form SAFE REP and check both the SAFE and paper archived records to determine the net amount of the amendment that should be applied to the charge. Where the net impact is an increase, the SAFE Team will increase the SAFE charge to the revised amount.

Where the net impact is a decrease that can be fully accommodated in SAFE, the SAFE Team will amend the charge.

Where the net impact on the SAFE charge is such that it needs to be reduced to zero and payments made prior to cutover need to be reallocated or repaid, the form SAFE REP will provide the authority to initiate the reallocation/repayment. Once any excess payments on the SAFE record have been moved to Unallocated Payments, the SAFE Team will reduce the SAFE charge to zero. Details of the excess payments will be entered onto the form SAFE REP and the archived record noted with the date and amount of the amendment. The charge amendment notice is to be attached to the form SAFE REP as part of the audit trail.

Where the charge is interest bearing the SAFE Team will review the interest position to determine whether any interest charged should be reduced. Any interest paid on the paper archived records or on SAFE is to be taken into account on the form SAFE REP. If the interest charge is still outstanding on SAFE, the SAFE Team will make the necessary adjustments to the interest charge. Payments moved from SAFE to Unallocated Payments will be transferred to OAS (Shipley) to link up with the excess payment extracted from the archived record. The charge amendment notice is to be attached to the form SAFE REP as part of the audit trail.

Where the form SAFE REP holds details of excess payments from both the SAFE and paper archived records, a single repayment will be issued to the customer. Payments moved from SAFE to Unallocated Payments will be transferred to OAS (Shipley) to link up with the excess payment extracted from the archived record, for the Repayments Team to deal with.

Non ECS charge not cutover to SAFE

These are charges raised manually that were notified to the Network Units on paper rather than originating from another system, such as ECS penalties. The charges were cleared prior to the introduction of SAFE.

A Charge Maintainer will normally not be aware that a charge to be amended is not present on SAFE. Where there is no record on SAFE, the procedure for completing a paper amendment form should continue in accordance with existing guidance. On receipt of a paper amendment, the SAFE Team will complete form SAFE REP and check SAFE to confirm there is no charge record. Where there is no record on SAFE, the SAFE Team will refer to the paper archived record to determine the net amount of the amendment that should have been applied to the charge.

Where the net impact is an increase, the SAFE Team will create a charge for the net amount of the increase.

Where the amendment is a decrease the user will determine the amount of the excess payment had it been possible to apply the amendment. Details of the excess payments will be entered on to the form SAFE REP and the archived record noted with the date and amount of the amendment. Form SAFE REP containing the details of the amounts to be reallocated/repaid will be passed to the Repayments Team to deal with. The charge amendment notice is to be attached to the form SAFE REP as part of the audit trail.

Where the charge is interest bearing the SAFE Team will review the interest position to determine whether any interest charged should be reduced. Any interest paid on the paper archived records or on SAFE is to be taken into account on the form SAFE REP. If the interest charge is still outstanding on SAFE, the SAFE Team will make the necessary adjustments to the interest charge. Payments moved from SAFE to Unallocated Payments will be transferred to OAS (Shipley) to link up with the excess payment extracted from the archived record. The charge amendment notice is to be attached to the form SAFE REP as part of the audit trail.