DMBM510460 - Customer contact and data security: telephone contact: sensitive call handling: elderly or infirm

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We need to adopt the correct approach using our PDRS training and treat every customer with empathy and tact. Do not make any prejudgements.

Follow these guidelines for all customers:

  • speak clearly and directly into the mouthpiece or microphone
  • concentrate on the content, not the voice
  • always be ready to repeat, or re-phrase
  • give the person time to explain themselves fully - don't interrupt
  • if you can’t understand, ask the person to repeat it
  • never pretend you’ve understood when you haven't
  • if the person has a speech impediment / speaks slowly, don't finish their words or guess the end of a sentence
  • if the person has a speech problem, do not assume you know why
  • where appropriate, ask closed questions (so the customer only has to say yes or no)

and finally, don’t be daunted by the rights and wrongs; if in doubt, rely on your own common sense and understanding. Whatever the situation, if you are not sure what to do, have confidence - and ask your customer how you can help.

Also see (where appropriate):

  • DMBM510430 - Customer contact and data security: Sensitive cases
  • DMBM510470 - Customer contact and data security: Sensitive cases: Vulnerable Customers: Mental health and debt
  • DMBM513165 - Customer contact and data security: legislation and policy: Equality Act 2010
  • DMBM585180 - Pre-enforcement: consider the defaulter: elderly or infirm customers


Some customers may prefer to handle their dealings in these circumstances with the department through an agent, representative or third party (including a voluntary organisation), and our normal guidance regarding authority and security should still be followed - see DMBM511600 about contact with third parties.

Where a customer is unable to directly deal with their own affairs they may decide to provide a third party with authority to act on their behalf. A power of attorney is a legal document whereby a person (the ‘donor’) gives another person (the ‘attorney’ or ‘donee’) this authority - see IDG30430 Disclosure when there is power of attorney.