DMBM511400 - Customer contact: Outdoor calls: Contents
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DMBM511410General rules
DMBM511420Higher debt manager's role
DMBM511430Personal safety risk assessment
DMBM511440What to take with you on call
DMBM511450Planning outdoor call work
DMBM511460Directed Surveillance
DMBM511470Customers' Human Rights
DMBM511480Identifying your customer
DMBM511490Confidentiality breaches
DMBM511500Action when customer seen
DMBM511510Asking for payment
DMBM511520Responding to your customer
DMBM511530Payment not obtained
DMBM511540Collecting employer returns
DMBM511550Reporting assaults and abuse
DMBM511560Customer not seen or no reply
DMBM511570Ending your call
DMBM511580When you return to the office
DMBM511590Customer wants proof that we are calling from HMRC
DMBM511595Dealing with third parties