DMBM511600 - Customer contact and data security: contact with third parties: contents
Some content of this manual is being considered for archiving. If there is content you use regularly, please email [email protected] to let us know as soon as possible.
DMBM511620What is a third party? authorised and non-authorised
DMBM511623How to handle correspondence from third parties
DMBM511630How to handle calls from third parties: contents
DMBM511680Outbound calls to third parties
DMBM511690Outdoor calls: contents
DMBM511805Special circumstances: contents
DMBM511900Agents and accountants: contents
DMBM511950Trustees and Personal Representatives: contents
DMBM512000Voluntary sector organisations: contents
DMBM512100Disclosing Information
DMBM512150Receiving Information - addresses/ telephone numbers
DMBM512200Getting authority: contents
DMBM512300Company officers and representatives - wages clerks, book keepers and so on
DMBM512400Missing customers
DMBM512500Third party acting as a translator