Closed: the Foreign, Commonwealth & Development Office (FCDO) invited organisations to submit by 7 August 2023 project proposals that promote and protect the rights of LGBT+ people globally.
Closed: British Embassy Kinshasa invited proposals by 31 July 2023 to deliver protection, livelihood and nutrition support to the Humanitarian Action and Recovery after Crisis (HARC) programme in the Democratic Republic of t…
Closed: British Embassy Kinshasa invited proposals by 31 July 2023 to deliver third-party monitoring of the Humanitarian Action and Recovery after Crisis (HARC) programme in the Democratic Republic of the Congo.
Closed: the FCDO invited concept notes by 31 July 2023 for projects in sub-Saharan Africa, South Asia and Southeast Asia that are interdisciplinary, locally-led, and focused on solutions for ecosystem restoration.
Closed: the FCDO invited proposals by 23 June 2023 to deliver its Knowledge for Development and Diplomacy (K4D2) programme, which will expand decision-makers’ access to demand-led, rapid-turnaround evidence.
Closed: the British Embassy in Kinshasa invited proposals by 22 May 2023 for a 2-year project to strengthen justice for survivors of conflict related sexual violence (CRSV) and hold perpetrators to account.
Now closed, UK Aid Direct supported small and medium sized civil society organisations, based in the UK and overseas, to achieve sustained poverty reduction and the Global Goals.
Closed: the fund invited applications by 26 May 2023 for solutions that use digital technology, especially mobile, to improve resilience and adaptation to climate change.
Closed: the FCDO invited not-for-profit organisations to submit a pre-qualification assessment by 20 March 2023 for a new 3-year programme, the 'CLimate, Environment And Nature' (CLEAN) Helpdesk.
Aims to boost girls’ access to education and address the skills deficit in adolescent girls in developing countries. Call for innovative ideas to address this problem and support transitions to employment.
Closed: Call for Bids to lead the Advocacy and Knowledge components of new Women’s Rights Organisations (WROs) programme.
Closed: The FCDO invited proposals by 11 November 2022 to establish a commissioning centre and results platform. This will enable more agile and streamlined delivery of FCDO research, and increase impact and value for money …
New Afghanistan Conflict, Stability and Security Fund (CSSF) seeks project proposals to help reduce localised conflict, support civil society, and protect the rights of Afghans.
Closed: The UK Emergency Medical Team (UK EMT) provides rapid, coordinated and appropriate medical assistance in the immediate aftermath of humanitarian disasters.
Closed: IDRC offers grants, funding, and awards to researchers and institutions to find solutions for global development challenges.
Closed: The GSMA M4D Foundation requires the services of a firm (the “Fund Manager”) to support the GSMA team to manage the full lifecycle of the M4H Innovation Fund with a strong focus on managing risk at every stage of the…
Closed: This National Institute for Health Research (NIHR) funding call is seeking research proposals to investigate how health services can adapt to disruption caused by extreme weather events in low and middle income count…
Closed: Non-profit, impact-first investment vehicle.
Funding for well-established applied global health research partnerships between researchers in the UK and ODA-eligible countries.
Funding for partnerships between specialist academic groups in the UK and ODA-eligible countries who wish to expand into the field of applied global health research.
A Rapid Labour Market Information (LMI) Assessment - To inform potential post-COVID-19 support to South Africa on addressing youth unemployment.
Aims to catalyse innovative private sector investment to improve and develop regional staple food markets.
Closed: Frontier Technologies is a programme designed to help FCDO apply frontier technologies to development challenges.
Closed: UK Aid Connect will support consortia to create innovative solutions to complex development challenges that deliver real change to poor people’s lives.
Closed: Supports partnerships between UK schools and schools in developing countries to build teachers’ skills and pupils’ understanding of global issues.
Closed: Aims to encourage private infrastructure investment in developing countries that contributes to economic growth and poverty reduction.
Closed: Transform was a partnership between FCDO and Unilever that pilots and tests innovative business models that meet low income household needs.
Closed: FGMC will provide a new round of grants for projects that support governance and market reforms that reduce the illegal use of forest resources and benefit poor people.
Closed: The Girls' Education Challenge (GEC) is helping up to a million of the world’s poorest girls improve their lives through education.
Closed: SPHEIR is an innovative higher education partnerships programme to strengthen the capacity of higher education institutions in FCDO priority countries.
UK supports the Livelihood and Food Security Fund (LIFT) to increase resilience, income, food security and nutrition of rural people in Burma.
A pioneering business accelerator which supported early to mid-stage ventures with products to improve the lives of girls in poverty.
Closed: Partnership opportunities for companies developing innovative business models that offer both commercial success and development impact.